Frozen 30 Day Pack

Frozen 30 Day Pack

Enjoy our 1 month supply of freshly frozen juice!

This pack includes: 5 Oh Kale Yes, 5 Kiwi Do You Love Me, 5 Soul Beets, 5 Lemon Crush Lemonade, 5 Berry Bombshell and 5 Channel Orange

This freshly frozen 30 day pack includes our same cold-pressed juices, but they are frozen immediately after pressing allowing you to store them in your freezer for up to 6 months, available to consume when you are ready.

How to enjoy your months supply of juice:

  • Enjoy a juice per day for gut health
  • Juice cleanses (1, 3, and 5 day cleanses)
  • Mix them in your smoothies
  • Share them with your family for immune support 

